When you suffer a car accident, you suddenly face concerns and expenses that you probably were not prepared for. You may be wondering if your health insurance will cover your medical bills. Maybe your auto insurance or the other driver’s insurance will cover the rest. Depending on the type and extent of your injuries, you may be facing a mountain of bills to pay. You may also be worried about returning to work and fully participating in your daily activities with your family. If you suffered a severe or catastrophic injury, you may be concerned about how your family will cope without your regular income. We understand these concerns and are here to help you navigate through this challenging time.
At One People Law, our car accident attorneys in Miami deeply empathize with the challenges you are facing. We understand the uncertainties and the need for a helping hand to get back on your feet. We acknowledge that your life may have taken an unexpected turn. But we believe in the possibility of achieving a healthy and happy new routine.
After you or a loved one has incurred an injury, we advise you to contact our experienced car accident attorneys to discuss your rights and options.
Our car accident attorneys have a strong track record of successfully handling different types of car accidents, from minor accidents causing whiplash to complex cases on interstate highways resulting in catastrophic injuries. We have the experience and knowledge to handle all types of car accidents. This expertise and success give us the confidence and security necessary to accept all kinds of car accident claims, including:
Road accidents
Drunk driving accidents
Uber and Lyft Accidents
Accidents where the at-fault driver flees the scene of the accident
Rollover Accidents
Head-on collisions
Lateral accidents and “T” shaped accidents.
Illegal left-turn accidents
Work zone crashes
Regardless of the type of car accident you have been involved in, rest assured that we have your back. It is strongly advisable to consult with our experienced car accident attorneys in Hialeah. Do this before engaging with an insurance adjuster or an attorney representing the other driver. We are committed to protecting your rights and guiding you through the process. We will do it in a way that maximizes your chance of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries.
Car accidents occur for thousands of reasons, many of which arise due to negligent drivers. At One People Law, our Miami car accident attorneys have fought for our clients. They make sure you receive compensation after suffering injuries in motor vehicle accidents caused in whole or in part by:
We understand that you may not know what happened or what could have caused the accident. Our car accident attorneys in Miami Gardens have worked on many cases where the underlying cause of the collision was not evident. We conducted an in-depth investigation to determine what happened and why, including reviewing photos and videos of the accident. Gathering witness statements and, when necessary, hiring experts to reconstruct what happened at the accident scene. This thorough investigation allows us to gather evidence of the other party’s guilt. We will use it to pursue recovery or financial compensation for you and your family.
Our Opa Locka car accident attorneys have handled thousands of car accident cases. We know what steps you can take immediately after a crash that can help you obtain successful compensation. We also know the common mistakes often made, which could make it difficult to receive compensation.
To improve your chance of obtaining a financial recovery after an accident, do the following first.
We also understand that sometimes it may be impossible to follow these steps after a crash. If you suffered severe injuries and were immediately taken to the hospital, you did not have the opportunity to obtain information from the other driver or witness or document the accident scene. This does not mean that the case for your car accident injuries is lost. It makes it even more critical for you to hire an experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney to investigate the incident.
During our independent investigation of the incident that caused your injuries, our car accident attorneys in Fort Lauderdale focus on collecting evidence, including:
We can collect a lot of information in the days or weeks after your accident. However, there are limitations to what we can do if you don’t file a lawsuit for your personal injuries. Once we officially file and begin a lawsuit related to your car accident injuries, our Miami Gardens car accident attorneys will be able to utilise the legal discovery process fully. You are allowing us to ask the other party to provide information and documentation and to answer specific questions through interrogatories. This provides a large amount of evidence that we can use to prove the other party’s guilt and liability.
We mention both guilt and responsibility since these two elements cannot necessarily rest on the shoulders of the same party. Our car accident attorneys in Opa Locka have handled many lawsuits where the at-fault party is not necessarily the party responsible for the accident. Someone who is at fault for the accident is the person who caused it. The responsible party is the person who is legally responsible for compensating you for your injuries.
A common example of differentiating the at-fault from the responsible party is when the at-fault driver was an employee. In this situation, the at-fault driver’s employer is often responsible for covering the costs of their injuries.
Asserting your rights before insurance companies may help you or take away your rights. Instead, build a solid legal team. We help you get your life in order and give you the confidence to get back on the road. Contact us and speak with our legal professionals to get the compensation you deserve for your car accident.
Reach out to us at (954) 727-5585 today. Our Orlando business visa attorneys are always available for you.
Our services are available in English, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Portuguese.
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